A wide variety of reservoir built with galvanized metal structure, in HDP or in Polyesther, offer you a diverse range of solutions. Certified by the portuguese ANPC, Golden Fibra sells and installs water reservoirs as well for the Building Fire Prevention Systems.
The Separators of Golden Fibra are made to separate the vegetable and mineral fats and oils from waste water.
Waste Water Treatment
A Wastewater Treatment Plant - WWTP - corresponds to a solution for the treatment of domestic and/or industrial wastewater, aimed at complying with the Wastewater Treatment V.L.E., in accordance with Decree-Law 236/98 of 1 August.
Lifting Stations
When the project requires overwinning the heigt differential or when the flow has to be controlled, this equipment is a great alternative. The Golden Fibra Lifting Station can be construction at your demand with one, two or three vertical tanks, using 1 or 2 pumps. Vortex, Canal or Massarator pumps applied to the specific needs and strenght, the station is provided with the electric proteccion and command board, valves and inner piping and levels float-switches.
Biological Septic Tanks
We cal Biological Septic System to those that allow Domestic, or similar Waste Water to be treated without need of electronic and/or chemical procedures. Based on sedimentation and anaerobic digestion of the organic matter, they provide na afluente suitable to be absorbed in the soil. The Biological solution represente na ideal alternative to the frequente and unconfortable need of regular septic tank cleaning.